miercuri, 25 februarie 2009

Ganduri uitate

Scoala e suprema anestezie intelectuala...
Acum doar banii iti mai dau fala.
Scoti dolaru', iti stau fetele in poala
Da-n cele din urma ajungi in boala.

Esti diferit si lupti? Vei fi intotdeauna exilat.
-Ahh, sunt liber in sfarsit!-Pff,doar am visat?!
Apesi pe "repeat":Te scoli, pleci, vii, si te-ai culcat.
Fericirea este scopul, dar n-o gasesti, cazi lat.

Te folosesti de partea dreapta da' inima-in stanga...
Doar prin lacrimi iti mai arati incet durerea.
Cel care iubeste fara speranta mai stie ce-i iubirea,
Caci traieste incontinuu despartirea.

Omul e un inger de la inceput amnezit...
Ce-si da seama cine e cand moartea a venit,
Si in ultimul moment regreta ce-a urzit,
Dar nu regreta nicicand ca a iubit.

By NightCrawler

Din nou, versurile melodiei SAY GOODBYE, melodie ce apartine tot Skillet....

Things are changing
It seems strange and
I need to figure this out
You've got your life
I got mine
But you're all I cared about
Yesterday we were laughing
Today I'm left here asking
Where has all the time gone now
I'm left alone somehow
Growing up and getting older
I don't want to believe it's over

Don't say goodbye
Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
Cause maybe it's not the end for you and I
And although we knew
This time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye

Do you remember
In December
How we swore we'd never change
Even though you're leaving
That our feelings
Would always stay the same
I wish we could be laughing
Instead I'm standing here asking
Do we have to end this now
Can we make it last somehow
We both know what we've gotta say, not today
Cause I don't wanna leave this way

And if it's over
It hurts but I'm giving you my word
I hope that you're always
Happy like we were
Happy like we were

Yesterday we were laughing (if you're gonna say goodbye)
Today I'm left here asking (if you're gonna say goodbye)
And although we knew this time would come for me and you
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye
Public cu aceasta ocazie niste versuri care apartin formatiei Skillet, mi se pare ca se potrivesc oricarui adolescent si adult in acte....

The Last Night Lyrics

by Skillet

You come to me with scars on your wrist
You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this
I just came to say goodbye
I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine
But I know it's a lie

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be

Your parents say everything is your fault
But they don't know you like I know you
They don't know you at all
I'm so sick of when they say
It's just a phase, you'll be o.k. you're fine
But I know it's a lie

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be
The last night away from me

The night is so long when everything's wrong
If you give me your hand
I will help you hold on
Tonight, tonight

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be

I won't let you say goodbye
And I'll be your reason why
The last night away from me
Away from me

sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2009


Singur printre cuvinte ma identific...
Cu un drum fara semne, cu un sens mirifc.
Sa scap trebuie de un antagonic tic,
Devin ceva,nu,altceva,ma aflun-n plic...

Usor, ferit, ocolit, imi intra-n automat
Sa inchid, sa uit, sa plec, sah-mat…
Fara dimensiuni, nu simt, sunt plat,
Ani,luni, memorii,clipe trec, pacat.

Ma vezi, strafund, nu simti, “Ei!”
Te-aud, uit, te-ntreb: -Ce vrei?
Mergi,m-opresc,ma-ntorc,vad lei,
O lume-n gri, un sentiment pei.

Timpul spatial local…e doar un fleac,
Un vid-aureola-n-cord, nu exista leac.
Cuprins si nevazut, in intuneric plac
Sunt aici, mint, ma scufund-n lac…

by NightCrawler
Niste cuvinte fara inteles...
Fete pierdute in vant...
Minti cuprinse de stres...
Nimic nu mai are sens...

Chestii prostesti te lasa perplex...
Mananci, muncesti, faci sex...
Vrei sa iti iei viata cu un flex...
Te uiti la ea si stii ca e doar o ex...

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009


6:10 pm, aflu ca o ruda foarte draga care intotdeauna ma facea sa rad si sa uit de tot si toate, care mi-a fost aproape din prima clipa a vietii, care a fost langa mine si nu mi-a cerut nimic in schimb a plecat pe un drum fara intoarcere in urma unei nefericite intamplari.Presentimente au existat din momentul in care am aflat ce a patit si probabil de asta nu am nici o reactie, poate sunt in stare de soc, poate nu cred, poate astept sa ma trezesc dar nu, nu visez. Stau si scriu aceasta pagina si ascult muzica dar mintea mea deja numai are contact cu corpul, probabil inca ii mai trebuie timp sa fac fata volumului de informatie si de sentimente.
In urma cu 20 de minute dansam si acum sunt in doliu, ce sens are viata? ce sens au toate daca toate se pot sfarsi in secunda urmatoare? Ma debarasez de toate, nu imi mai dau silinta pentru nimic, ce va sa vina astept cu bratele deschise dar eu nu ma mai lupt pentru un viitor.....

Goodbye dear friend, I will se you in a few years in heaven.....I'll miss you so much.....

duminică, 18 ianuarie 2009

O idee...Un vis...O viata

In bratele tale ma aflam
Si incet cu glas suav iti sopteam
Cat de mult te iubesc
Cat de mult te doresc

De mana inghetata ma tineai
Si cu chipul tau ma incalzeai
Cu ochii albastri si obrajii rosii
Un chip angelic in noapte capatai

Ma temeam sa nu te am
Langa mine stateai cand invatam
Si cu vorbele tale dulci ma delectam
In bratele tale ferit ma simteam

Un sarut inzeceste cuvintele
O mangaiere aduna amintirile
O noapte cu tine trezeste simturile
O viata cu tine anuleaza sensurile...

By NightCrawler